
Showing posts from January, 2010

It's El's B-day today! Juz is in charge of the B-day cake.

Hair of the Dog

Juz is really struggling to get an outfit for the J&B Met.

Juz & El watched Avatar. Poor Aliens.

Behind with work due to partying.

Weeknight out = Weekday in...tub

Careen, Illie & Marcus came over this weekend - glug glug glug.

El installed ceiling fans - now everything is evaporating too fast.

While Fabio slept, Juz took the opportunity to save his furniture.

It was Juz's Dad's B-Day Dinner - the apple did not fall far indeed.

The reason Juz was feeling rough this morning

What a festive season (om nom nom nom) and we got a cat (om nom nom nom), his name is nom nom nom.