New Moon, new theories.


wozzel said…
lol "probably" Juz?
Juz said…
Okay, okay. CERTAINLY.
I love this post...not as much as I love EDWARD CULLEN...and I am very Tom Cruise-Oprah Couch about it!!!!!!!!!... I don't love ...but this boy? who wouldn't love a blood-sucking vampire man who glitters gold in the sunlight...gotta love a boy who glitters!
Ps. Juztick...what I do love, almost as much as the Cullen Glitter-er is your use of the subjunctive. Gotta love a boy who uses 'were' instead of 'was'...sooooo/tooo many don't! you know?
Juz said…
I preferred Edward in the books. On the silver screen however - it's definitely Jacob.

Aah yes, the infamous subjunctive. Well, I learnt from the best. In the words of diva Beyoncé Knowles: "If I were a boy...bla bla bla"
wahahahah (that is a really loud obnoxious and unladylike laugh)re Beyonce goddess of grammar.

re the wolf boy...You can have him and his cut-off demins (so 1996)...I'm really over muscles for the moment-as of most recent boy. To me it says, "I gym because I love myself and I love myself because i gym!" and quite frankly, I refer you to your own post with the eager beaver mountaineers...please fuck off fit people!
-lisa- said…
My friend is a New Moon fanatic but I love your theory and will forward this blog to her to see what she thinks.

And to Little Miss Lawlessness and Juz. I really never thought much about the use of the subjunctive until reading your comments. I timidly submit my comment with the underlying fear that perhaps I've been grammatically incorrect? ;) Wouldn't be the first time.
Tracey said…
Well obviously. Certainly! The terrible Muriel is back, sucking the blood of alcoholics (and, frankly, anyone who has, oh, any kind of substance-abuse problem, really) and would LOVE you to visit salma-gungi and place a few beautifully barbed omments. LOVE the big glass. (I once drank gin out of a vase. Regularly. But that's a story for another time.)
Tracey said…
Salma-gungi?? Freud would do a break dance!

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