Saturday, Sunday, Monday


wozzel said…
i take it you had a good time?
Juz said…
Yep, but yesterday was nasty.
Paige said…
i always feel boring just saying that i liked the cartoon, there must be something more original i can say. but dude, i really like that cartoon.
I heard you had a great time.
and heads up, the mantra's been posted.
yesterday was an awful day, couldn't find the energy to blog.
Nik_TheGreek said…
Sounds like fun...
Did you gamble as well?
Mondays are always tough...
Juz said…
Nik: Yes we gambled. The winnings where up and down. I think in total I lost R30 - so that's fine. Hows the sightseeing going?

Thanks Paige.

Skinny Bitches - I'll check it out.
Diane said…
haha!! nice Jus!
cookie monster said…
Ha ha that is HILL-ARIOUS!

Sunday looks like the best day!!1

Hey - I havent chatted to you about my proposal!
Biki Honko said…
Very very funny blog! Will be back!
Sharon Day said…
Perfectly logical sequence of events. :-)
Ok, so I am not dead...but, it is worse... I can't remember the last time I got trollied...I miss CPT and the madness! Hello the tick! xxx
-lisa- said…
I feel the same as Paige....I would like to be more original and witty in my comments but usually end up with nothing. Saturday looked fun and so did Sunday. I think I would take a pass on Monday. :)

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