Juz & Skullky Went to Wish Juz's Mom a Happy B-Day


wozzel saidā€¦
always keep wine in the car - never know when there is an emergency!
Unknown saidā€¦
Happy Birthday Juz's Mom!
Gwen saidā€¦
Hey, Juz! Thanks for stopping by my place! I am really impressed with the creativity here. i actually laughed out loud, not that lame LOL crap.

Consider yourself blog rolled, followed and any other stalker-y thing I can do to you. XOXO
-lisa- saidā€¦
You Mom was very gracious in accepting her gift. Next time you should just drink the whole thing and then put a lovely message inside. Or maybe one of those ships in a bottle. Or something just to cover the fact that it really is just an empty bottle of wine. :) Tell Mom Feliz CumpleaƱos!
sid saidā€¦
Hahaha. That's friggin funny. Happy birthday to Juz's Mom.
As your self-appointed lawyer...I strongly advise you to go with the very opposite of Wozzel's advice. ;)

Funny shit as always Juz the tick

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