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wozzel said…
I almost pissed myself when this popped up! bwahahaha. I’m so glad I never went overboard this weekend, although, judging by the silent treatment (that only lasted Saturday morning) I was a teeny tiny bit out of hand at boyfriends year end function on Friday evening, so I was very well behaved for the rest of the weekend.
Juz said…
Woz, I hate that feeling - then you spent the whole weekend feeling ever so slightly guilty.
Rambler said…

good weekend I see
Oh see this looks familiar!!!...where have I seen this before???? oooh yes...THIS MORNING ( the whole morning!) after BENDING it at Pedlars with Dr. Eyes- I am Empress Emesis! Looks like Juztick is pretty close though, Prince of Puke, Chancelor of Chunder, Regent of Ralphing, Viscount of Vommit, Sheikh of Sick...ok, I'm all out...?
...oh , wait...Baron of Barf!
wozzel said…
Little Miss Lawlessness sure is on a roll today! lol
Juz said…
Love it Miss Law!
PS. Like your blog too.
-lisa- said…
bwwaahaaahaa! I had fun this weekend but not quite that much fun! I always love your posts.

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